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Classic Articles

The articles below have been taken from issues of Sailplane & Gliding. Each article is approximately 200kb in size (about 1 minute on a 56k modem). You need Adobe Acrobat to be able to view them – if you do not have this already, you can download it for free from The articles are for personal use only and remain copyright.

Alps Schematic

This copyright schematic of the French Alps is a purely illustrative representation of the kind of information that glider pilots mark on the topographic air charts to help plan their route through the Alps. It accompanies an article by William Malpas, Getting Going in the Alps, in the December 2005 – January 2006 S&G. It may be downloaded for personal use only.

Originally appeared in S&G December-January 1976


Les Enfants du Paradis

William Malpas first wrote for S&G about Alpine flying in 1975. This is that first article, which we are providing free for S&G readers’ personal use only, along with his three later articles (below), which remain the definitive English-language guide to the subject. These back up his latest article on the subject, describing what he’s learnt about the needs of newcomers to the Alps, which appears in the December 2005-January 2006 S&G.

Originally appeared in S&G April-May 1988


Low-Down on the Alps – Part 1

William Malpas, in the first of his three-part series, Low-Down on the Alps, gives advice and information on exploiting this soaring paradise. This copyright article first appeared in the April-May 1988 S&G and may be downloaded for S&G readers’ personal use only.

Originally appeared in S&G April-May 1989


Low-Down on the Alps – Part 2

William Malpas, who lives in France and spends much of the season mountain flying, continues his advice to British pilots who are taking gliding holidays in the Alps. This copyright article first appeared in the April-May 1989 S&G and may be downloaded for S&G readers’ personal use only.

Originally appeared in S&G December-January 1990


Low-Down on the Alps – Part 3

William Malpas collaborates with Jean-Renaud Faliu and Jacques Noel for the third article in this series on mountain flying, this time concentrating on safety when gliding in the Alps. This copyright article first appeared in the December 1989-January 1990 S&G and may be downloaded for S&G readers’ personal use only.

Originally appeared in S&G June-July 2002


How to join thermals

National Coach, Simon Adlard, explains why and how to get your thermal entry right.

Originally appeared in S&G February-March 2002


Exploiting opposing airmasses

In the third article in his series about soaring in the mountains, Gavin Wills offers advice on using lift that can materialise when all else fails. The other two articles in the series can be found in the October/November 2001 and December/January 2002 issues.

Originally appeared in S&G December-January 2002


Two K-8s take on the Juniors

Andrew Bates and Guy Hall, from Edinburgh University GC, went south to challenge the hotshot boy racers – in K-8s…

Originally appeared in S&G August-September 2001


Your club’s met on the net

Alex Latty describes the weather station that helps your early-morning worries about what weather conditions are like at your gliding club.

Originally appeared in S&G April-May 2001


Searching the sky

In this, the third of Jay Rebbeck’s four part series on cross-country flying, Jay explains how to pick the racing line. The other three articles can be found in the December/January, February/March and June/July 2002 issues.

UK 3D (required 3D glasses)


Bicester and Lasham




South Downs


Where We Fly in the UK

Ever wondered where we fly in the UK? Paul Jessop created unfamiliar landscapes using details of every flight entered on the BGA ladder from 2003 to 2010. You can read the full story in the Aug/Sept issue of S&G, due out on 25 July.

Paul has also created a number of animations showing the results of his analysis. These are available exclusively via the links opposite.

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