WALK into any gliding club and practically everyone you meet will be a volunteer whether it’s the person who welcomes you when you arrive, cuts the grass or teaches you to fly.
Volunteers are what makes gliding a cheap way to learn to fly with most people going solo in under 12 months for around £1,0001 – similar to the cost of learning to drive a car.
Pete Stratten, Chief Executive Officer of the British Gliding Association, said: “Volunteers have always played a vital part in gliding.
“They are rightly described as the lifeblood of our sport and it would simply grind to a halt without them.”
Hundreds of events are taking place across the country to mark Volunteers’ Week. The annual campaign recognises the contribution volunteers make to our communities every day.
For gliding clubs the event will be a chance to showcase the range of volunteering opportunities on offer, encourage people to try volunteering for the first time and help people find out how through volunteering they can make a difference to a sport or community they are passionate about.
People’s reasons for volunteering vary from person to person.
Some common reasons include a love of gliding, the chance to learn new skills, health benefits of being out on an airfield, the opportunity to socialise and use their professional skills to help their club, supporting something their children are involved in or quite simply for the buzz and excitement.
Most volunteers in gliding get involved as participants first and then become volunteers. There are also volunteers who choose not to fly – they just enjoy being connected with the sport.
Sports research2 demonstrates that sports volunteers get a boost to their happiness and wellbeing through their involvement.
You can find out more about the many volunteer roles at UK gliding clubs by watching the latest videos on Glide Britain’s YouTube channel
For more information about volunteering in gliding and to find you nearest gliding club, visit
1 British Gliding Association 2018
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