Youth in Aviation Parliamentary Reception

Organisations and individuals from across the aviation world came together recently at the Houses of Parliament to help highlight to politicians and industry stakeholders the social, economic and educational benefits of youth access to aviation and the vital connection such activities have with the future prosperity of the British aerospace industry.

The event was organised to help improve the engagement between the aviation industry and MPs to highlight the significant benefits that the world of aviation can not only provide for young people, but also to the overall development of the United Kingdom as a whole.

The main participants at the event, included a host of aviation centric non-for-profit and charitable organisations, including the Aviation Skills Partnership, The Air League, Royal Aeronautical Society, Airpilots, Aerobility, Scouts Association, Air Cadets, Brooklands Museum, British Gliding Association, IMeachE and RAF Recruitment team. The sponsor for the event was Boeing UK.

A major part of the Government’s current education agenda is the ‘STEM’ (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering) initiative. This event showcased how, through aviation, the above organisations offer scholarships and opportunities for young people that correlate directly with the STEM directive. There was also chance to highlight how the aviation industry is providing women with significant opportunities to progress in their own professional development.


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